Welcome to St Arvans Community Council,
representing St Arvans Village, Porthcasseg, Penterry, Fair Oak & Livox
Croeso i'r wefan Cyngor Cymuned Llanarfan

Here you will find information about our Community Council and our community, local facilities, the area around and the history of this beautiful part of the world. Click the links to find out all about the Council, our Councillors, how we work and what we do. You will find agendas and minutes of meetings and other documents together with news of local events and projects supported by the Community Council. You will also find links to Monmouthshire County Council for planning and other services.


St Arvans Conservation Area

Historic Development and Archaeology, Green Spaces and Views

St Arvans is one of 31 designated conservation areas in Monmouthshire, being designated on 12th January 1976.  Rather than individual buildings, a conservation area status is focused on a collection or accumulation of an area's architectural and historic attributes, as well as the natural landscape, views and landmarks.

In 2016 a report was produced by Monmouthshire County Council on Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Proposals, which can be accessed on their website by clicking here.  Sections of the report include 'Key Historic Influences and Characteristics', 'Character Areas', and 'Types of View and Their Relative Significance'.


Photo credit: Christopher Somerville

Looking After Trees in a Conservation Area

Did you know?

Trees that are not covered by a TPO (Tree Preservation Order) but are situated in one of Monmouthshire’s many conservation areas, such as parts of St Arvans, are also protected.  An offence of carrying out unauthorised tree works in a conservation area (even if you own the land the tree is on) carries the same penalties as that of a TPO - a fine of up to £20,000 in a Magistrates Court if the tree is destroyed or pruned in a manner likely to destroy it, or up to £2,500 for other offences that do not lead to the destruction of the tree (such as removing branches).  You will also be required to replant for any tree that has been destroyed. 

Under section 211 of the Act, anyone proposing to cut down or carry out work on a tree in a conservation area is required to give the Local Planning Authority (LPA) six weeks’ prior notice in writing (a ‘Section 211 notice’). The purpose of this requirement is to give the LPA an opportunity to consider whether a TPO should be made in respect of the tree(s).

For more information on carrying out works in a conservation area please contact planning@monmouthshire.gov.uk or 01633 644880. 


Photo credit: Woodland Trust

Latest News

Winter Vaccinations

Published: 9 Oct 24



Published: 6 Sep 24

There is a vacancy for the election of a Councillor by Co-option Read More...

Roadworks/Traffic Information

Roadworks/Traffic Information

Published: 4 Apr 24

One.Network is a live traffic information website where you can check current road issues and upcoming roadworks. Read More...

Audit 2022-2023

Published: 19 Dec 23

Audit Wales has completed its audit of St Arvans Community Council for 2022-2023 with a fully satisfactory outcome. Read More...

St Arvans Road Safety Project

Published: 8 Nov 23

Report produced by Peter Evans Partnership (PEP) for presentation to Monmouthshire County Council. Read More...

Public Spaces Protection Order for Dog Controls - MCC Consultation

Published: 6 Oct 23

Residents have until 25th November 2023 to respond to a public consultation on the introduction of dog exclusion areas and dogs on lead areas, as well as greater legal powers to tackle dog fouling. See link for details, maps, and consultation survey. Read More...

New Village Gateway Signs

Published: 22 Mar 23

The Wye Valley Villages Improvement Plan 2022 set out a number of projects including village signs Read More...